The apprentice, is unmasked.
An American Pharaoh, is drowning us in his image.
Look away now.
Turn, to the ones who’s light comes from within.
Essential citizens, humble, devoted, and real.
Healers, your potency is only amplified by distance.
Finding new forms of touch for our healing.
Physicians, nurses, healthcare workers, stretching the limits of what you know, forging new ground. The ancient healers are near. Know that you are carried by the drumming of the elders in the four directions, even now. May you be protected.
May you have what you need and may you know that we hold up the light for you.
Teachers, scraping the bottom of your hearts. Every fiber needed now, to feed these young ones at the portal. The lesson today, will be love in action.
Doulas, we give thanks for you.
Bringing those into the world, who will tend to us, in our old age.
For you. For me.
Seers, at your writing tablets, brows wrinkled and eyes tired.
Mining your dreams for the words that will feed us.
You who stand between the worlds,
to see and wonder and more importantly, to listen to soul.
Elders, you know how to stretch out the pantry,
Call upon the storehouse of hard times. Teach us what you know.
Do not depart from us.
Activists, Artists, Creators of all kinds.
You are more essential than ever.
Wall breakers and bridge builders
those who dive under, break through, climb over, endure
Our queer and sun kissed kin- dance beneath the sky.
Young ones, interrupted, disrupted, derailed.
You will be forged by this. Forsake what they sold you. Dig deep
For the real treasure within.
You there, your grit, inherited from our ancestral roots.
Let them feed you, teach you, carry you.
They are there for you. Call on them.
Tend to your own inner light.
You there, the one’s on the road now…waiting to come through
Perhaps returning to bring your golden thread.
The earth…our mother…
already surging with growth and new life, if only we will look away
From the mirror, and look within our own souls.
It is true, we will be cut down.
Together, we will grow back from the root.
Deeper, stronger, intwined; we can bring forth this new world, together.
L.A.M. 4/5/20
Dear ones-
It is raining today at the mother tree. For today, I offer this word medicine to encourage you to turn inward, to your own inner light, so needed in this world. Each of us is facing our own particular passage from where we were, how we lived, to what is as yet, unknown, unimagined. If you feel that time is slipping, and you are in free fall of sorts, that is a hallmark of the liminal passage of rebirthing, and deep change. Rest easy in this. Allow yourself to reorient to a deeper sense of timelessness. Hold closely to the ground, to nature, and to your imagination. We are going through this separately, and together.